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Ten współczynnik jest wyrażony przy pomocy Kupuj Sprzedaj System8217 wymagając, aby dokonać wyboru konta i zapytać, kim i koniec analizy na swoim dziennym platformie handlowej, aby poprawić handel forex, musi być prawdziwy. Istnieje wiele, co tłumaczy wszystko, co roboty forex utah się w wykonanej pracy, ale mając gotówkę do ręki, aby otworzyć konto. Można by się odwoływać do tego, że możesz być pierwszym, który kierunek może mieć miejsce na świecie w handlu. Istnieją pewne podstawy w wolnym czasie. Choć wskazuje to na możliwości systemu handlu forex w Ghanie i za granicą. Osiem (8) własnych pieniędzy. Większość brokerów, którzy mają okazję do handlu Dalej, aby naprawdę zrealizować łączność z Internetem, aby spotkać na całym świecie z powodu udogodnień sukcesu, takich jak ty i po prostu chcesz zrobić wykresy walutowe. 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Mamy jednych z największych przedsiębiorców w branży, z tłem od dawnych przedsiębiorców podłogi, maklerów czasowych i planistów finansowych dla specjalistów sprzedaży, księgowych i inżynierów. Szukamy profesjonalistów z różnych dziedzin życia i różnych zawodów do pracy w domu. Idealnymi kandydatami są ciężko pracujący i zdyscyplinowani profesjonaliści z różnych środowisk, którzy mają pasję do pieniędzy i handlu na rynku. Witamy nowych partnerów handlowych, którzy są szkoleni, oddani i kierowani sukcesem. Po zakończeniu szkolenia każdy przedstawiciel będzie sprzedawać kapitał firmowy i utrzymywać 70-80 zysków z działalności handlowej. Większość przedsiębiorców pracuje w domu lub w biurze osobistym w pełnym lub niepełnym wymiarze godzin. Doświadczeni handlowcy zarabiają wyższy poziom kapitału handlowego w czasie i uzyskują większe zyski z firmą. Firmy pożyczające zyski zarabiają ponad 20 tys. Miesięcznie po pierwszym roku. Trader Online działają zdalnie z różnych lokalizacji. 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Niewielkie opóźnienia związane z wymianą, ECN39, ATS39 i ciemne baseny Niestandardowe ceny dla indywidualnych handlowców, grup i stawek na czarne skrzynki oferujące możliwości handlowe na odległość i na miejscu Sponsoring w zakresie licencji papierów wartościowych Możliwości dźwigni i najwyższe wypłaty Catering dla wszystkich rodzajów handlowców i algorytmów Zarejestrowani handlowcy Witamy Kupuj papiery wartościowe za pomocą własnego systemu transakcyjnego Analizuj warunki rynkowe, społeczne dane ekonomiczne i informacje finansowe Ocena ryzyka finansowego, podejmowanie decyzji i przygotowanie raportów Identyfikacja potencjalnych strategii handlowych i propozycje pomysłów na poprawę nowych Użyj komputerów do wprowadzania, uzyskiwania dostępu lub pobierania danych , korzystanie z oprogramowania do arkusza kalkulacyjnego Wspomaganie tworzenia programu szkoleniowego i wstępnego szkolenia dla nowych i istniejących przedsiębiorców Przegląd transakcji w celu zapewnienia dokładności informacji i zapewnienia, że ​​transakcje są zgodne z przepisami agencji zarządzających WYMAGANE DOŚWIADCZENIA WYSZUKIWANIA Silne zdolności analityczne lub koncentracja techniczna, w tym analiza sysa w ciągu dnia i wzorce rynkowe Umiejętność pracy w zespole. Kreatywne myślenie i umiejętność ubiegania się o naszą działalność Profesjonalna etyka pracy i pozytywne nastawienie Hold Brothers Capital, LLC 1177 Ave w obu Amerykach, 2 piętro Nowy Jork, NY 10036 Doradca FinansowyStockbroker Forefront Capital Markets, LLC Nowy Jork, NY Giełda kapitałów Forefront Midtown NYC oparta firma zajmująca się zarządzaniem majątkiem poszukuje zarejestrowanych (seria 763) i doświadczonych BrokersFAsRIAs. Brokerzy muszą posiadać księgę w firmie i mieć utwory, które wykazują wyjątkową zdolność do zwiększania przychodów, aktywów i bazy klientów. Jest to okazja, aby dołączyć do firmy, gdzie udane kandydaci otrzymują wysoce lukratywną strukturę rekompensat. Forefront angażuje się w przyciąganiu, rozwijaniu i utrzymywaniu talentów najwyższej jakości oraz pełnym wykorzystaniu tego talentu, aby konsekwentnie osiągnąć silne wyniki biznesowe. Kwalifikacje: licencje Active Series 7 i 63. Lojalna baza klientów Autostart o silnych umiejętnościach interpersonalnych i analitycznych. Wykazuje doskonałą podstawową znajomość rynków i produktów inwestycyjnych. Bardzo energiczny i zmotywowany i ma zainteresowanie pracą w środowisku pomysłów. Rezultaty. Co nas wyróżnia: Zespół Bankowości Inwestycyjnej Agresywny Pakiet Wynagrodzeń Doradczych Wyjątkowa społeczność profesjonalistów finansowych Najnowocześniejsze technologie Piękne środowisko pracy Forefront Capital Markets, LLC 590 Madison Ave. New York, NY 10022 Informacje kontaktowe Michael Halperin Junior Equity Trader (Poziom Wejścia) Quasar Trading, LLC Nowy Jork, Nowy Jork Quasar Trading, LLC, zarejestrowany broker i członek CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX) poszukuje Junior Equity Trader (Entry Level), aby dołączyć do naszej firmy handlowej. Kwalifikowani kandydaci muszą wykazać: - możliwość szybkiego obliczania kursów. - Interes na rynkach finansowych (akcje). - Musi działać pod presją i szybko dostosować się do zmieniających się sytuacji. - Duża dbałość o szczegóły. - wykazać asertywność. - Zdolność do pracy niezależnie. - Profesjonalna postawa. - silny poziom kompetencji komputerowych. Trader otrzyma: - darmowy program szkoleniowy i mentorski - seria 56 Sponsoring - konkurencyjne stawki rozliczeniowe. - Wykorzystanie siły nabywczej (z uwzględnieniem historii handlowej i zarządzania ryzykiem). - Wsparcie techniczne i administracyjne. - Narzędzia przedmaterialne i przedsprzedażowe. - Najnowocześniejsza technologia, najnowocześniejsze narzędzia do obróbki zdjęć. - Ultra-szybka bezpośrednia łączność z giełdami, ECN, ATS i ciemnymi basenami. - dostępne możliwości rozwoju. - zdalny handel dostępny za pośrednictwem dedykowanych linii SSL zapewniających szybką i szybką realizację. Rekompensata będzie oparta na wynikach, a wkład kapitałowy jest wymagany. Quasar Trading, LLC jest zarejestrowanym brokerem SEC i członkiem giełdy CBOE (CBSX). Quasar Trading, LLC 2 Wall Street 8th Floor Nowy Jork, NY 10005 Informacje kontaktowe Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 wew. 106 WŁAŚCIWEGO SPRZEDAŻY WTS WTS Trading Group, LLC Nowy Jork, NY WTS rekrutuje obecnie wyjątkowych osób do programu szkolenia akcjonariuszy. Interesujemy się tylko wybranymi kandydatami, którzy mają pasję do handlu własnego z strategią handlu wysokimi częstotliwościami39 i są gotowi podjąć się naszego intensywnego programu szkoleniowego i otrzymać niezbędną edukację i mentoring potrzebny do zyskania na bieżąco. Nasz personel z ponad dwudziestoletnim doświadczeniem handlowym zapewnia szkolenia na najwyższym poziomie. Z codziennym szkoleniem w klasie, jednym na jeden mentoring, poświęcamy się dostarczaniu naszym handlowcom wzorowanych strategii i technik. Nasza firma zapewnia systematyczne podejście, testowane na danych historycznych, które handlowcy, handlowi z precyzją i dokładnością. Z oddanym personelem i pomocą techniczną dostarczamy kompleksowe i zaawansowane oprogramowanie. Nasi handlowcy gromadzą zyski dzięki sprawdzonej ilościowej strategii, która oferuje możliwość uzyskania doskonałych wyników. Po ukończeniu programu szkoleniowego handlowcy zostaną natychmiast przyznani części kapitału firmy, aby rozpocząć karierę jako przedsiębiorca. Ta alokacja kapitału jest corocznie poddawana przeglądowi. Zwiększenie przydziału kapitału w oparciu o wydajność jest dokonywane w przypadku, gdy przedsiębiorca wykazuje stałą opłacalność i wzrost. Od podmiotów gospodarczych oczekuje się analizy, modelowania i opracowywania strategii handlowych w zakresie usprawnień systemu handlowego. Wymagania Kwalifikujący się kandydaci będą mieli silne umiejętności matematyczne, analityczne i rozwiązywania problemów, muszą być w stanie wykazać inteligencję, konkurencyjność i skoncentrować się Mocna wiedza na temat programu Excel, podkreślona badaniami, testami wstecznymi, optymalizacją i wykonywaniem, a także jazdą Wymagania: - Wymagany poziom wykształcenia - Wymagany poziom wykształcenia - Wymagany poziom edukacji - Wymagany poziom wykształcenia - Stopień licencjata Rodzaj pracy - Status pracy pracownika - Pełny etat WTS Proprietary Trading Group, LLC 11 Broadway Suite 1515 Nowy Jork, NY 10004 Profesjonalny sprzedawca detaliczny Lightspeed Trading, LLC Nowy Jork, NY Czy jesteś profesjonalnym handlowcem, który chce handlować własnym kapitałem Czy chcesz mieć dostęp do profesjonalnych narzędzi handlowych, ale nie chcesz pracować w sklepie propellerowym Lightspeed Trading jest brokerem handlu detalicznego wybranym dla aktywnych i profesjonalnych handlowców. Technologia Lightspeeds niespotykana w połączeniu z wyjątkowymi usługami i zasobami edukacyjnymi daje przedsiębiorcom przewagę, której potrzebują, aby odnieść sukces. Lightspeed znalazł się w rankingu Best Broker for Frequent Traders 3 lata z rzędu przez Barrons. Jeśli chcesz zarabiać na życie bez konieczności uzyskiwania jakichkolwiek licencji na produkcję i chcesz mieć swobodę w prowadzeniu własnego konta, rozważ otwarcie konta detalicznego za pomocą usługi Lightspeed. Platforma Lightspeed Trader zapewnia w pełni konfigurowalny, bogaty w funkcje system bezpośredniego dostępu do rynku do aktywnego przedsiębiorcy. Niektóre funkcje obejmują: Akcje handlowe, opcje, kontrakty futures z jednego ekranu Wprowadzanie zamówień do koszyka Po godzinach Handel Zaawansowane wykresy Do 40 ekranów niestandardowych układów Poziomy 2 cytaty Skanery Marketowe Zaawansowane okno łączące interfejsy API interfejsu użytkownika (opcjonalne) Aplikacja do pobrania Wszystkie nowi klienci kwalifikują się do promocji poniżej. Dodatkowo bardzo aktywni handlowcy mogą kwalifikować się do nieokreślonej zniżki cenowej. Zadzwoń po szczegóły. Aktualna promocja - PRAKTYCZNE PRICE KOMISJE Zaoszczędź 50 na Twoich prowizjach akcje i prowizje za 60 dni .00225 na akcję lub 2,25 na jeden handel za akcje 30 centów na kontrakt na opcje Brak minimalnych transakcji Brak opłat za bilet Użyj kodu promocyjnego HALFOFF Szczegóły promocji: Konto musi zostać otwarte przez 73112. Tylko kwalifikujące się mają rachunki bankowe o wadze co najmniej 25 000. Oferta dostępna tylko dla nowych klientów. Okres promocji rozpoczyna się dnia otwarcia konta i kończy się po upływie 60 dni kalendarzowych. Po zakończeniu okresu promocyjnego stawki standardowe i minimalne kwoty zostaną zastosowane na koncie. Kwalifikowane są wyłącznie akcje na giełdzie Nasdaq, Amex i NYSE. Promocja dostępna tylko dla Lightspeed Trader. Lightspeed Trading, LLC 1006 Avenue of the Americas 16 piętro New York, NY 10016 Doświadczony ampar Proven Indywidualni Handlowcy MES Capital Ltd. Bethesda, MD MES Capital Ltd. poszukuje doświadczonych indywidualnych handlowców o sprawdzonych wynikach w celu wykupienia naszej stolicy. Jest to niezwykła okazja dla wysoko wykwalifikowanych przedsiębiorców, którzy mogą być bardzo cenni. Handlowcy, którzy mają własność intelektualną, mogą utrzymywać własność IP i sprzedawać kapitał firmowy na podstawie Twojego adresu IP, dopóki przedsiębiorca może dostarczyć ważne zyski handlowe. Nie szukamy sprawdzonych wyników, ale rzeczywistych i rzeczywistych zysków handlowych. Powinniśmy otworzyć dla algorytmicznych przedsiębiorców i być otwarci na wszystkie propozycje od wszystkich zyskownych osób. - Jesteśmy otwarci na handel wszystkimi klasami aktywów i systemów obrotu, o ile są dochodowe i spójne - Spójne ROI na kapitał - parametry zarządzania kryzysowego -3-5 lat udowodnione wyniki - Mniej niż 5 lat lub więcej doświadczeń handlowych - można handlować zdalnie FuturesOptions Trader for Private Equity Fund Unified Capital Funds LLC Nowy Jork, NY Wanted: Entuzjastyczne FuturesOptions Trader (y) z solidnym, udokumentowanym osiągnięciem, który chce pomóc młodym funduszom Private Equity osiągać swój pełny potencjał. Uważamy, że jest to bardzo ciekawa okazja dla właściwego Tradera lub sieci Traderów. Jest to okazja na parterze do obrotu nowym, zatwierdzonym przez SEC funduszem obsługującym znaczną i znaczną sieć inwestorów. Gdy pomożesz w tym pierwszym funduszom rozwijać, kolejne serie będą kontynuowane. Możesz zostać poproszony o pomoc w organizowaniu i porządkowaniu zespołów potrzebnych handlowców, które będą potrzebne, aby z powodzeniem służyć tej społeczności. Rozważania zostaną przekazane poszczególnym niezależnym handlowcom, ale preferencje będą przyznawane sieciom handlowym, którzy wspólnie - mogą handlować przez całą dobę. To, czego szukamy Trader (s), którzy: 1. wiedzą, jak się zabezpieczyć. Albo przez: a. Wykorzystanie połowy konta do handlu, utrzymanie drugiej połowy rezerwy (w razie potrzeby) przejęcia odwrotnej pozycji i miejmy nadzieję zysku z obu stron b. Zabezpieczenie kontraktów futures z opcjami (np. Strategiami neutralnymi w delcie), lub c. Wykorzystując straty zatrzymania - w tym trailing stop loss, w takim przypadku chcielibyśmy zobaczyć znaczącą historię rzeczywistych transakcji, dzięki czemu możemy zobaczyć, jak dobrze wybrać kierunek i jak szybko wyjść z przegranych. 2. Stosuj reguły dobrze. Wolałabym mieć historię przegranych transakcji, które odbywają się według solidnych, wcześniej określonych reguł niż handel hazardem, które zarabiają. 3. Zrozum, dlaczego żółw wygrywa wyścig, a nie Hare. (np. żółw robi te same kroki dzień po dniu po dniu, a gdy jego ciało wzrasta, jego powierzchnia pokrywa się w końcu z nie-systematycznym zającem). Nie dbamy o to, gdzie mieszkasz, czy gdzie pracujesz. Dopóki (i twój zespół) mają solidne, niezawodne połączenia z internetem i mogą mieć odpowiednie pokrycie EO, możesz żyć w dowolnym miejscu: Nowy Jork, Chicago, Singapur, Delhi, Frankfurt. Wszystko jest dobrze. Jak nam pomożesz, pomożemy Ci. Jeśli wykonasz dobrą robotę dla nas, dobrze wykonaj dobrą robotę dla Ciebie. Sieć jest na swoim miejscu i jak dobrze wykonasz swoją pracę, zapewnimy Tobie i Twoim zespołom Handlowym dosłownie tysiące potencjalnych inwestorów. Potrzebny jest podmiot zarządzający monetami Unified Capital Funds LLC, Bullion and Bars. Gold Trading Express NY, NY Obowiązki obejmują: Rozwój nowych klientów przy jednoczesnym utrzymaniu istniejącej firmy. Prospecting i pitching prowadzi przez zimne powołania, śledząc te kierunki za pośrednictwem poczty elektronicznej i telefonów Budowanie i utrzymywanie relacji Zapewnienie lepszej obsługi klienta Utrzymywanie bazy danych o potencjalnych zainteresowaniach Uczestnictwo w wydarzeniach branżowych Analiza rynku metali szlachetnych Sprzedawanie i kupowanie złota, sztabek, monet i porad na produkty inwestycyjne w tym doradztwo w zakresie zakupu lub sprzedaży konkretnego produktu z metali szlachetnych. Wymagane kwalifikacje: stopień licencjata lub równoważne doświadczenie zawodowe 1 rok doświadczenia w sprzedaży wewnętrznej doświadczenie w ciężkim doświadczeniu jest koniecznością Potężny poszukiwacz nowych klientów, zdolność do tworzenia nowych kont. Doskonała komunikacja, obsługa klienta i umiejętności interpersonalne. Znajomość Microsoft Excel i Word, Perspektywy, Eksplorator i PowerPoint będą plusem Powinien posiadać wiedzę o TRADING BASIC SALARY PLUS COMISSION. Biuro znajduje się w środkowym na zachód, manhattan Złoty Trading Express 71west 47th Street, apartament 701 Gaz ziemny Trader Nico Holdings LLC Chicabo, IL Nico Trading poszukuje kandydata na pozycję Trader Natural Gas Futures. Skuteczny kandydat będzie miał doświadczenie w zakresie handlu gazem ziemnym, silne umiejętności komunikacyjne, umiejętność szybkiego myślenia i sprostania warunkom stresu oraz wygodna współpraca z elektronicznymi platformami obrotu. Handel wymienia kontrakty na gaz ziemny i swapy zarówno elektroniczne, jak i brokerów Poszukiwanie i wykorzystywanie możliwości w zakresie gazu ziemnego w oparciu o powierzchnie instrumentów pochodnych Aktywnie utrzymuj pozycję na niskim poziomie ryzyka i wymień w granicach określonych firm Rozwiń pomysły na zwiększenie rentowności portfela 2 lata doświadczenia handlowego koncentracja na kontraktach na gaz ziemny Zrozumienie elektronicznych platform handlowych Komfortowa współpraca z brokerami przez telefon Silne umiejętności analityczne Umiejętność pracy z powodzeniem w środowisku zespołu Oferujemy wszystkim pracownikom wynagrodzenie zasadnicze, znaczny potencjał bonusowy i wspaniałe korzyści. Nasze pakiety świadczeń obejmują ubezpieczenie zdrowotne, ubezpieczenie dentystyczne, 401 (k), płatne przerwy, konto oszczędnościowe, konto oszczędnościowe i inne. Jesteśmy dogodnie zlokalizowany w pobliżu transportu publicznego w centrum Chicago. Nico Holdings LLC 222 W. Adams Street Suite 1500 Chicabo, IL 60606 Firma Old Mission Capital obecnie przyjmuje wnioski o pomoc handlową. Handlowcy pracują w zespołach, aby szukać i zaradzić błędnym papierom wartościowym. Handlowcy są odpowiedzialni za zdyscyplinowane podejmowanie decyzji, zarządzanie ryzykiem, wycenę instrumentów pochodnych oraz badanie nowych możliwości dla zyskownych firm. Zwykłe kandydaci będą posiadać: - stopień licencjata lub zaawansowany w dziedzinach ilościowych, takich jak informatyka, inżynieria lub jedna z nauk ścisłych - znajomość języka programowania, takiego jak C lub Python - umiejętność pracy i rozwiązywania problemów w ramach zespół, często w środowisku wysokiego ciśnienia - silne pragnienie wiedzy i zrozumienie, jak funkcjonują - wyższe umiejętności komunikacyjne w zakresie komunikacji pisemnej i ustnej Brak doświadczenia w finansowaniu jest konieczny, aby wziąć pod uwagę pozycję handlową w Old Mission. Old Mission Capital jest firmą handlową z siedzibą w Chicago i Nowym Jorku. W konkurencyjnym świecie handlu elektronicznego używamy technik ilościowych i zaawansowanych technologii w celu określenia rentownych możliwości handlowych na całym świecie. Old Mission Capital 120 Broadway Suite 2040-09 Nowy Jork, NY 10007 CommoditiesPrawcy Handlowcy Mercury Partners Nowy Jork, NY Mercury Partners szuka przedsiębiorcy CommoditiesEnergy. Portfel ten jest aktywnie zarządzany z dużą elastycznością pod względem pozycjonowania w stosunku do wymogów zabezpieczających. Ograniczenia i kontrole ryzyka zostały ustalone zgodnie ze środowiskiem handlowym, w którym działa ERMS. Działania i zestawy rekompensat są współmierne do norm obowiązujących w przemyśle handlu energią. Stanowisko to będzie odgrywać rolę przywódczą w zarządzaniu naraŜeniem kierunkowym na rynki ropy naftowej i energii elektrycznej, opracowując strategie ukierunkowane na ustalanie cen ustalonych. Opcje finansowe są istotnym narzędziem wdrażania tych strategii. Celem tej pozycji jest generowanie własnych przychodów z tytułu transakcji Ta pozycja jest częścią zespołu handlowego składającego się z dwóch Senior Handlowców, skupiającego się na względnej wartości i rynkach produktów. Zespół ten ma pełny dostęp do zasobów opracowanych przez firmę Cargill w celu obsługi swoich firm zajmujących się obrotem energią: badaniami rynku, oprogramowaniem, analitykami ryzyka. Wymagania: musi mieć 10 lat handlu towarowego od Mercury Partners 60 East 42 Street Street Suite 760 Nowy Jork, NY 10165 Marquette Partners LP zawsze szuka agresywnego rekrutowania zarejestrowanych przedsiębiorców do swojego zespołu handlowego w Chicago. Będą brane pod uwagę przedsiębiorcy, którzy są pewni swoich umiejętności handlowych i kompetentnych w dowolnej lub wszystkich klasach aktywów. Jest to wyjątkowo lukratywna okazja, aby odnieść korzyść bezpośrednio z własnych sukcesów. Odpowiednie kandydaci będą prawdopodobnie pochodzić z biur bankowych lub funduszy hedgingowych. - udokumentowane osiągnięcie rentownego obrotu (minimum sześć połowy rocznie). - Samoocena z silnymi umiejętnościami interpersonalnymi i analitycznymi z zadowoleniem przyjmuje wyzwanie. - wykazuje doskonałe podstawowe zrozumienie rynków i spreadów. - Zdolność do identyfikacji możliwości handlowych i opracowywania własnych strategii handlowych opartych na własnej analizie. - Praca w ramach określonych wytycznych dotyczących zarządzania ryzykiem. - Przygotował się do zarządzania propozycją handlową danego podejścia. - Bardzo energiczny i zmotywowany i ma zainteresowanie pracą w środowisku wymiany pomysłów. - Prowadzone wyniki. Marquette Partners oferuje doskonały kompleksowy pakiet świadczeń, w tym: - ubezpieczenie medyczne i lekarstwa na receptę - ubezpieczenie stomatologiczne - ubezpieczenie wizualne - życie grupowe i pokrycia AD i D - krótkoterminowa niezdolność do pracy i zasiłek macierzyński - plan emerytalny 401 tys. - konkurencyjne wynagrodzenie z uznaniem premia - bezpłatne śniadanie i przekąski - program dostarczania posiłków Marquette Partners jest globalną, niezależną firmą handlową, z bezpośrednim dostępem do wiodących na świecie rynków instrumentów pochodnych. Marquette Partners LP 801 West Adams Suite 500 Chicago, IL 60607 Profesjonalny Trader Keystone Trading Group Nowy Jork, NY Keystone Trading Group poszukuje profesjonalnych handlowców. Doświadczeni handlowcy z udokumentowaną i zyskowną historią obrotu akcjami skorzystają z partnerstwa z Keystone Trading Group, korzystając z tych samych korzyści, co instytucja. Naszym celem jest wspomaganie Państwa firmy w dalszym handlu na wyższym poziomie, zapewniając niezbędny kapitał, właściwe zarządzanie ryzykiem oraz poprzez niskie koszty transakcji. Keystone Trading Group 450 Apartament 7th Avenue 2509 Nowy Jork, Nowy Jork 10123 Specjalista ds. Operacji handlowych Jump Trading Chicago, IL Firma Jump Trading poszukuje specjalistów ds. Operacji handlowych. Osoba ta włączy się do zespołu handlowego z siedzibą w Chicago i będzie aktywnie monitorować i weryfikować całą działalność handlową w ciągu dnia. Duties and responsibilities include - Continuously reconcile and manage trading positions - Communicate with exchange trade support in case of emergencies - Interact with IT support personnel to confirm system issues if any - Start up computers and log into various proprietary systems - Update parameters for current days trading using in-house applications - Writing scripts or modifying existing ones if there is a business need - Manage compliance issues and ad hoc reporting for the team - Update various databases, e. g. financial events calendar, product specifications, etc. - Other duties as assigned by manager - 2-3 years of EQUITY TRADING experience required - Ability to follow specific instructions and general guidelines in the context of product operations support - Strong understanding of Linux fundamentals - Windows knowledge highly desired - Experience with Perl or Python a strong plus - Experience with Bloomberg and Corporate Actions required - Understanding of how corporate actions impact markets - Familiarity with SQL - Shell scripting (ksh or bash) - Proficient with Excel, comfortable working with spreadsheets on a daily basis. - Detail-oriented, organised, and excellent documentation skills - Ability to multitask and prioritize multiple projects in a busy, demanding environment - Excellent communication skills, both written and oral - required to operate within a global team Financial trading industry experience a plus Jump Trading is a globally-positioned, proprietary trading firm that remains on the cutting edge of algorithmic trading. Jump Trading 600 W Chicago Ave. Suite 825 Chicago, IL 60654 Experienced Trader Kershner Trading Group, LLC Austin, TX Kershner Trading Group is seeking experienced traders. We are seeking motivated individuals with the following qualifications:: Verifiable record of trading success Willingness to automate strategies proven track record of having done so a big plus. Willingness to work with others to improve profitability Demonstrated skill of discipline in a competitive environment Proven resiliency and self confidence Kershner Trading Group is a proprietary trading business for professional traders. Kershner Trading Group, LLC 1825B Kramer Lane, Suite 200 Austin, TX 78758 Trader Jane Street Capital, LLC New York, NY Jane Street is a quantitative proprietary trading firm that operates around the clock and around the globe. Traders work in teams to seek out and take advantage of pricing inefficiencies, develop models, manage risk, investigate new products, and push into new business areas. Experienced traders mentor newer colleagues, whose responsibilities increase with their capability. Jane Street Capital, LLC 1 New York Plaza 33rd Floor New York, NY 10004 Electronic Trader International Trading Group LLC Glenview, IL International Trading Group LLC is seeking for experienced electronic traders. International Trading Group has opportunities for experienced electronic traders with a proven track record. If you are a successful electronic trader looking for a unique opportunity. International Trading Group LLC 2700 Patriot Blvd Suite 350 Glenview, IL 60026 The IMC Group The position of Junior Trader is one that requires superior analytical and numerical skills. As a member of IMC Chicago, your primary responsibilities will be: - Pricing and trading options and other financial products - Entering into and managing positions for which you are responsible - Developing, maintaining, and enhancing trading models - Researching new market opportunities and analyzing current market trends Consider an environment where your decisions have direct impact on the companys total trading profits, and where discipline, motivation, creativity, teamwork and perseverance are recognized, appreciated and rewarded. Knowledge and skill requirements - BAMS in all majors with an analyticalquantitative related field of study - Minimum GPA of 3.5 - Interest in the financial markets is a must - Superb analytical and mathematical skills - Quick and decisive thinking - Internship or experience in a similar industry preferred - Ability to act and perform successfully in a fast-moving and high-pressured environment - Willingness to be a team playerleader before, during and after trading hours - Eagerness to learn about derivatives trading and be willing to continuously learn - Experience with programming in languages such as Java and C IMC Chicago offers competitive salary and benefits packages, and a unique, challenging, and rewarding work environment, including opportunities to work abroad. Your employment will start with a global training session of 4 weeks with IMC new hires from around the world. IMC Group 233 South Wacker Drive 4300 Chicago, IL 60606 Experienced Individual Traders HTG Capital Partners, LLC Chicago, IL HTG Capital Partners is always looking for experienced individual traders with proven results. The profile of an individual trader is someone seeking independence and improved contract terms but still in need of capital allocation, services and support. We provide customized agreements that may include our capital, exchange memberships, connectivity, accounting, HR, IT, back office services, and risk management. Individuals who have intellectual property can maintain ownership of the IP. We are especially interested in algorithmic and OTC trading professionals, but are open to proposals from all profitable individuals. HTG Capital Partners, LLC 601 S LaSalle St 200 Chicago, IL 60605 In-House Trader Guardian Trading, LLC Garden Grove, CA Guardian Trading, LLC Guardian Trading offers everything any equity trader needs: - Lowest commissions in the industry - High Payout - 10x buying power to start - Low minimum risk deposit of 3000 - No licenses required - Use our office facilities with no desk fee if you prefer to trade in an office environment. - Share ideas and strategies with other traders in the office to improve profitability. - Utilize Guardian Trading management as a resource for software related questions as well as trading ideas. - Or just trade on your own in a pleasant office environment. Guardian Trading is a private equity trading group based in California. Guardian Trading, LLC Garden Grove, CA Getco is searching for traders. Traders at GETCO enable other traders around the world to transact with confidence, certainty and speed. Traders are a competitive, driven bunch from a variety of backgrounds, but they all have one thing in common: a relentless passion for making financial markets work better for everyone. If this sounds like you, then consider a career with us. Our traders work in a fast-paced environment where market feedback is near-instantaneous. They work on interdisciplinary teams alongside other traders, quants and seasoned software engineers, all working to make the markets run more efficiently. Getco is a global market maker focused on helping investors efficiently transfer risk. Our primary business involves both buying and selling securities to provide two-sided markets on exchanges around the world and as a Designated Market Maker (DMM) on the New York Stock Exchange. We also provide customers with routing services and dedicated liquidity through an Alternative Trading System, Getco Execution Services (GES). GETCO LLC 55 Broad Street 27th Floor New York, NY 10004 Automated Systems Trader Geneva Trading Dublin, Ireland About the Company Geneva Trading is a Principal Trading Firm with offices in downtown Chicago and Dublin, Ireland. Company Culture At Geneva, we are committed to the ongoing development of our traders and employees. Our flat organizational structure and casual environment encourage the exchange of new ideas. Finding bright individuals with the drive to innovate and grow has ultimately led to our continued success within the trading industry. Brief Summary of Position We are currently seeking experienced CREATIVE traders to join our team. If you have a record of profitability, innovation, discipline and a strong motivation to succeed - we invite you to apply for this position. Developed in-house, Geneva Tradings proprietary platform offers exceptionally fast global connectivity and bespoke trading logic to support our traders objectives to continually develop their strategic trading edge and consistently outperform. We offer a competitive compensation package. Alongside their team members, the successful candidate will benefit from working with an experienced support staff, platform developers technologists and senior management team. We pride ourselves on forming mutually beneficial partnerships with our traders and maintaining long term commitment to their personal development. Duties Develop expertise in the firms proprietary trading software Compile reports statistics on the various trading strategies Research exchanges for new potential trading opportunities Develop tools to assist enhance currentnew strategies Manage enhance current strategies Work in a team based environment to develop new profitable Trading Strategies Liaise with Management, Risk, Development Legal to bring new Strategies into Production Job Requirements Knowledge of a variety of Financial Instruments Asset Classes beneficial Extensive experience use of analytical tools Experience of Arbitrage beneficial Prior Financial Systems Trading experience is a prerequisite Exchange product knowledge, trading methodology and market insight Demonstrate a consistent trading profitability record Impeccable risk management discipline Candidate should have a strong quantitative ability EducationalExperience Requirements Bachelors degree in Finance, Economics, Mathematics, Statistics or related f ield Minimum of 4 years recent trading experience Programming experience beneficial Geneva Trading 980 North Michigan Avenue Suite 1710 Dublin, Ireland 60611 Experienced Trader Gelber Group, LLC Chicago, IL Gelber Group is actively looking for experienced traders who have a proven track record of success. - A strategy that is currently and consistently profitable we are open to all markets and asset classes. - Excellent return on capital. - A proven, current, three-year track record (not just back-tested). - Experience at a top proprietary trading firm, hedge fund, or bank a plus. Gelber Group, LLC 141 W. Jackson Blvd. Suite 2100A Chicago, IL 60604 Institutional Trader G-2 Trading LLC New York, NY G-2 Trading LLC is committed to growth by providing the tools required by exceptional Wall Street analysts, brokers and institutional traders who want to control their own destiny. We provide turn-key technology solutions, some of the most experienced back office staff on the Street, and over 50 years of combined management experience. G-2 Trading and its predecessor firms have navigated successfully through nearly 20 years of bull and bear markets, and momentous financial changes. G-2 is a registered Broker dealer and a member of NASDAQ OMX PHLX. G-2 is a proprietary trading firm, and its traders must be series 7 licensed. New York, NY 10017 Senior Equity Trader FRONTLINE CAPITAL INC. New York, NY Frontline Capital is seeking equity traders with proven track records. The ideal candidate will have more than three years of equity trading experience and have completed all relevant industry courses. This candidate will utilize quantitative and statistical skills and strategies to consistently generate profits. Frontline is committed to utilizing all resources in order to fully integrate talented traders. This individual is encouraged to back-test new strategies and design new programs with developers. Bachelors degree or equivalent with a fundamental understanding of equity markets. 3 years experience in a proprietary equity trading position with exceptional knowledge of equity products. Strong self-motivated entrepreneurial skills and the ability to work independently or in a team atmosphere. Excel at multitasking in a fast-paced, high-stress environment. Frontline Capital is a proprietary trading firm specializing in equities, futures products, and currencies across all North American and European exchanges. FRONTLINE CAPITAL INC. Proprietary Trader First New York Securities LLC New York, NY First New York Securities, LLC is one of the largest and most successful proprietary trading firms in the country. Founded in 1986, and backed by a state of the art, 50,000 square foot trading floor in the heart of Manhattan, First New York provides its traders with cutting edge technology and resources to enable them to succeed. First New York is well capitalized and is one of the few remaining classic partnerships on Wall Street. The firms compensation structure is designed to recognize and reward superior individual performance. With more than 225 senior traders covering a variety of asset classes including equities, fixed income, commodities and derivatives, First New York is an excellent fit for the most talented traders in the industry. - Interested candidates should submit a brief description of their trading strategy First New York Securities LLC 90 Park Avenue New York, NY 10016 DRW Holdings, LLC is headquartered in Chicago and has offices in New York and London. We currently employ over 450 people worldwide from many different disciplines and backgrounds. We are currently seeking an experienced Treasury Inflation Protected Securities (TIPS) trader to join our Chicago headquarters office. Trade TIPS products utilizing both automated and manual execution strategies Manage and optimize the risk of TIPS portfolio Identify and capture current opportunities research and introduce new trading strategies Research, identify, and execute trading strategies which fit within the risk parameters of the TIPS book Review all transactions to ensure trades conform to pertinent laws and regulations Recognize market participant patterns Create models based on analysis and modify based on market dynamics take risks accordingly Assist in the growth and development of junior traders 3 years of experience successfully managing an inflation-linked book Must have in-depth understanding of inflation products Experience developing and designing derivatives pricing and hedging tools using VBA and Excel Must have strong risk management skills Bachelors degree Must be proficient in Excel and Bloomberg Excellent interpersonal and communication skills Strong quantitative skills Strong problem-solving skills essential Proven ability to investigate issues within own area of work and produce results DRW Holdings, LLC 540 W. Madison Street Suite 2500 Chicago, IL 60661 Algorithmic Trader Allston Trading, LLC Chicago, IL Allston Trading, LLC, A key role bridging the gap between trading strategy and the firms technological initiatives, the algorithmic trader is a necessary catalyst for exploiting new market opportunities. - Responsibilities range from researching new strategies - maintaining and improving existing strategies - following through on design - implementation, and deployment of trade systems. - The best candidates are those that take initiative - have strong problem solving skills - employ great attention to detail. - Proficiency in at least one of the following languages: Java, C, R, Matlab, Ruby, Python - Solid grasp of mathematical modeling and statistical methods - Self-starter with an entrepreneurial spirit Headquartered in Chicago, Illinois, Allston Trading, LLC is a premier high frequency market maker in over 40 financial exchanges, in 20 countries, and in nearly every conceivable product class. We sit at the intersection of financial strategy and high-technology this requires us to hire the best and brightest and give them the tools and freedom they need to be successful. Allston Trading, LLC 440 South LaSalle One Financial Place Suite 1211 Chicago, IL 60605 Experienced Equity Options Trader Cutler Group, LP. San Francisco, CA Cutler Group, LP, is looking to add experienced option market makers to its partnership. Trader will receive: - Cutler provides platforms for individuals to act as market makers on listed US Equity options exchanges. - Using sophisticated technology, our traders have direct access to options markets and serve as market makers in over 3,000 listed issues. - Cutler market makers represent a wide range of experience from multiple firms across the street (Wall, LaSalle, Market and Montgomery). - As capital partners, your interests and ours are fully aligned. We succeed when you succeed. - We offer a superior package of rates for trading, clearing, haircut, technology and revenue split. Initial capital contribution requirements will be determined based on previous track record and depth of trading experience. All traders and trading groups become members of the Cutler Group LP Broker Dealer and, as such, are subject to the risks of joining the LP and maintaining a subaccount in a nonsegregated pooled environment. Cutler Group is a proprietary trading firm headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Our primary focus is equity option market making. We are members of a number of major US option exchanges, including NYSEArca, CBOE, NASDAQ OMXPHLX, NYSEAmex Options and BATS. The Firm currently has over sixty traders. Cutler Group, LP. 101 Montgomery Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104 Experienced Proprietary Trader Cutler Group, LP. San Francisco, CA Cutler Group, LP, is looking to add experienced equity and equity option proprietary traders to its partnership. Trader will receive: - Cutler provides a comprehensive platform for our professional trader partners to engage the market on listed US Equity and US Equity Options exchanges. - We offer a proprietary risk management and execution solution on our dedicated national network. - Cutler proprietary traders represent a wide range of experience from multiple firms across the street (Wall, LaSalle, Market and Montgomery). - As capital partners, your interests and ours are fully aligned. - We succeed when you succeed. We offer a superior package of rates for trading, clearing, haircut, technology and revenue split. Initial capital contribution requirements will be determined based on previous track record and depth of trading experience. All traders and trading groups become members of the Cutler Group LP Broker Dealer and, as such, are subject to the risks of joining the LP and maintaining a subaccount in a nonsegregated pooled environment. Cutler Group is a proprietary trading firm headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. Our primary focus is equity option market making. We are members of a number of major US option exchanges, including NYSEArca, CBOE, NASDAQ OMXPHLX, NYSEAmex Options and BATS. The Firm currently has over sixty traders. Cutler Group, LP. 101 Montgomery Street Suite 700 San Francisco, CA 94104 Junior Proprietary Trader D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. New York, NY D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. offers opportunities for individuals of all backgrounds who display evidence of outstanding ability and have a track record of exceptional accomplishment. - Strong quantitative and analytical abilities - extraordinary communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills and an exceptional sensitivity to detail are essential. - The ideal candidate will have up to two years general experience with an outstanding academic record (e. g. excellent standardized test scores and GPA from a top-tier school), and a high level of computer literacy. - Direct prior experience is not required, but demonstrated interest in and exposure to financial markets is a decided advantage. The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm with more than 1,100 employees approximately 21 billion in investment capital as of October 1, 2017 and offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Since its founding in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. 1166 Avenue of the Americas Ninth Floor New York, NY 10036 Senior Commodities Trader D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. New York, NY D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. The D. E. Shaw group seeks a senior proprietary commodities trader to join the Discretionary Macro group in its New York office. This dynamic group seeks to take advantage of mispricings within and across a range of asset classes globally. The trader will be involved in the development, analysis, and execution of discretionary trading strategies across all commodities sectors, with a primary focus in agricultural products. - The ideal candidate will have 5 years of experience in commodities markets, preferably in a trading function. - Excellent communication, negotiation, and interpersonal skills are required and strong analytical abilities as well as an exceptional sensitivity to detail are necessary. This role affords the opportunity to contribute as part of an established team, and to be directly exposed to investment decisions by collaborating with seasoned, senior members of the firm. The D. E. Shaw group is a global investment and technology development firm with more than 1,100 employees approximately 21 billion in investment capital as of October 1, 2017 and offices in North America, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia. Since its founding in 1988, the firm has earned an international reputation for financial innovation, technological leadership, and an extraordinarily distinguished staff. D. E. Shaw Co. L. P. 1166 Avenue of the Americas Ninth Floor New York, NY 10036 Trader Recruiter Next Gen Autotrader Jersey City, NJ Looking for Top Mathematical Statistical Financial Talent Calling upon top traders, mathematicians, statisticians and engineering prospects - undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply. (NY or remote, anywhere) Do you consider yourself top financial talent. Have you always wanted to take your math skills to the next level and translate them into successful market strategies. We are currently recruiting top global talent and will help turn your concepts and algorithms into automated trading strategies. We are in the process of recruiting individuals with a mathematical and statistical background to work with our team who will automate, program and fund strategies (if successful and approved). We may fund successful candidates who demonstrate a good understanding of mathematics, analytics, statistics and can develop successful strategies along-side our team. Compensation based on performance. Next Gen Autotrader Contact Information 646-597-6095 Trader Recruiter Next Gen Autotrader New York, NY Looking for Top Mathematical Statistical Financial Talent Calling upon top traders, mathematicians, statisticians and engineering prospects - undergraduate and graduate students are welcome to apply. (NY or remote, anywhere) Do you consider yourself top financial talent. Have you always wanted to take your math skills to the next level and translate them into successful market strategies. We are currently recruiting top global talent and will help turn your concepts and algorithms into automated trading strategies. We are in the process of recruiting individuals with a mathematical and statistical background to work with our team who will automate, program and fund strategies (if successful and approved). We may fund successful candidates who demonstrate a good understanding of mathematics, analytics, statistics and can develop successful strategies along-side our team. Compensation based on performance. Next Gen Autotrader Contact Information 646-597-6095 Futures and Stock Traders Wanted - Fund Management Stonehenge EMG, LLC Delray Beach, FL Professional trading firm located in Delray Beach, FL provides a hands on approach for prospective and successful traders seeking a direct career path in becoming a Hedge Fund Manager or Commodity Trading Advisor. Trade stocks, futures andor forex from our newly built trading floor or remotely. Enjoy state of the art technology, top-notch execution platforms and professional execution rates. Combined, our team has over 60 years of trading industry experience. We are not a prop-shop. We are the avenue and fast track to a true career as a fundmoney manager. Our firm will closely assist accepted traders through the entire process with the ultimate goal of becoming a fund manager. This includes, building an marketable auditable track record, raising trading capital for successful traders and more. Trading guidance by our experienced team Proprietary trading software Trading computers with multiple screens Low latency connections Robust execution platforms and charting Professional commission rates Professional level leverage Auditable trading track records A professional trading room atmosphere For The SuccessfulProven Traders Managers, We Offer: Fund formation Regulatory registration Seed capital availability Capital introduction Marketing Fund administration, compliance and more Private office suites A minimum 25,000 trading account is required ( 10,000 if trading FX) in order to begin building your auditable track record. This account is in your name and we do not share in the profits or losses. Intermediate to Experienced traders only. Limited space is available. Please e-mail your resume and a brief description of your trading background. We will contact you to arrange a meeting. Delray Beach, FL EquityAlgorithmic Trader Wanted TUI Trading South East Remote, FL YOUR OPPORTUNITY TUI Trading is actively recruiting traders to trade with our firm and join our U. S. Equities trade desk, both remote and on site. Our members enjoy many benefits that facilitate successful trading careers. Members of our firm have access to our exclusive algorithmic trading system . In addition, we provide access to firm capital, professional direct-access routing capabilities, guidance from our head traders, ultra fast software platforms and connectivity, competitive rates, and a same day approval process for applicants. Industry leading payouts and institutional rates are given. Networks and groups of traders, please contact us to find out about our affiliate program. REQUIREMENTS - Experience as a trader or familiarity with the US equities market - Registration and series 56 required for US traders - Adherence to firm supervisory procedures and exchange rules - Maintenance of proper risk management - Coordination of trading strategies with research desk - Strong technology skills with the ability to quickly learn various software applications COMPENSATION This is a performance-based position. Our top traders earn over 100K per year. CONTACT US Website: tuitrading Email: infotuitrading Tel: 561-444-8111 South East Remote, FL ProprietaryAlgorithmic Trader Coastal Trade Securities, LLC. New York, NY Coastal Trade Securities, LLC, is seeking equity traders to join their proprietary trading firm. Offering a variety of direct-access trading platforms and advanced analytical tools, we can provide a trader with the necessary resources to compete in today39s challenging market environment. - Minimum 5 year trading experience. - Proven track record is preferred. - Strong analytical skills. - Fundamental analysis - Retain strong discipline Trader will receive: - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Coastal Trade Securities, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Coastal Trade Securities, LLC. 45 Brodway 20 Floor New York, NY 10005 Contact Information Andrew Coley Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. New York, NY Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Quasar Trading, LLC. 2 Wall Street 8th Floor New York, NY Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Los Angeles, CA Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Junior Equity Trader Entry Level (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Los Angeles, CA Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an experienced Junior Equity Trader (Entry Level) to join our proprietary trading firm. Qualified candidates must demonstrate: - Ability to quickly calculate odds. - Interest in financial markets (Equities). - Must work well under pressure and quickly adapt to changing situations. - High attention to detail. - Demonstrate assertiveness. - Ability to work independently. - Professional attitude. - Strong level of computer competency. Trader will receive: - Training and Mentorship program. - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Proprietary Equities Trader Avatar Securities Chicago, IL Avatar Securities, LLC is recruiting experienced cash equity traders with proven track records in equities to join our proprietary trading desk in Chicago. Members benefit from a technologically advanced trading environment with payout and cost structures that surpass other firms. Traders use DMA platforms to access advanced order types (Algorithm, VWAP, TWAP, etc) and dark pool liquidity providers. Avatar welcomes experienced equities traders of all backgrounds and trading strategies (Automated, Basket, Momentum, Pairs, Rebate, StatArb, Technical, etc). Avatar seeks deeply experienced traders at this time and may require a capital contribution that will be based upon the trader39s needs, experience, and skill level. Traders benefit from our impressive 10,000 square foot trading space located in the heart of Chicago39s financial district and will be surrounded by some of the best equities traders in the area. Compensation is based on performance and Avatar provides the leverage and tools needed for our traders to succeed. If you are interested, please visit our website and fill out a contact request. Quantitative Trader - Senior Equity Trader Quasar Trading LLC new york, NY Quasar Trading, LLC . a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an experienced Senior Equity Trader (Quantitative Trading) to join our proprietary trading firm. This excellent career opportunity will provide the selected candidate with the ability to contribute to a growing equity prop trading desk and leverage their knowledge to implement new strategies in growing the business. Work alongside our algorithmic traders and developers to seamlessly implement your strategies. Quasar can offer you an environment geared towards performance, co-located infrastructure in several market data centers for ultra low latency execution, backtesting tools, technical support, and access to firm capital. Quasars in house developers are experienced in handling financial applications, optimizing execution and market connectivity. They are experts in the field of code optimization, and can create prime code that works faster, utilizes fewer resources and is easier to read and revise in the future. The final code has such flexibility, that most future revisions can be done directly by the clients front end user without developer involvement. Due to our expertise and experience, turnaround times on projects are extremely short, and debugging to final application includes very few iterations, thus saving development time and money. -3 years Equity Prop Trading experience - A minimum of a Bachelor39s degree in Business, Finance, Management, Computer Science, Math or related field of study - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Event Driven strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Proven track record For more information contact tradingquasar-trading, Please put Senior equity trader-Quantitative Trading on the subject line. Quasar Trading LLC 2 Wall Street 8th floor new york, NY 10005 Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Experienced Equity Traders Wanted (Remote) Globus Trading Concord, Canada Globus Trading . a trading firm which has been in business for 10 years is looking for experienced traders. If you are an experienced trader that knows what heshe wants, contact us today. We are pleased to introduce a brand new fee structure. - 100 payout - No Commission - No software fees (Sterling PRO Laser platforms are available) - No dataentitlement fees (Futures and Index data available at extra cost) - Full ECN pass-through including rebates and fees for adding and removing liquidity - Flat monthly fee (Starting at 250month) - Trade our firm39s capital Contact us for more details. Globus Trading 553 Basaltic Road EquityForex Trader Spartan Capital Partners Hicksville, NY Growing trading firm looking to hire and train new traders. The stock market is a great place to make a lot of money. If you have an interest in trading stock or currency give us a call. NO experience needed. We will train you and teach you how to be a successful trader and show you how to make money using various methods and skills. NO COLD CALLING NO OPENING ACCOUNTS you will not need to be licensed since you will be trading private money. you will be trained as a trader and start trading your very first day. We offer many analysts with different methods and skills that will help you make money. some have over 15 years of experience. they offer Picks with entry and exit points will teach you how to read graphs properly and make judgments for yourself also will give you feed back and game plan for any stocks you may want to trade. our office is very friendly and laid back no one is in their own. each traders helps the other we work as a team. if interested please email contact info to Lowest rates available - ( if you are currently trading and want a lower commission WE WILL BEAT IT) NOTE - We have an auto trading system. The algorithm unit signals traders where to buy and where to sell. gray box trading open to ALL traders Spartan Capital Partners 240 W. Old Country Rd Hicksville, NY 11801 Traders Wanted T3 Trading Group, LLC Dallas, TX T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Our branch office offers: State of the art execution and charting platforms Proprietary real-time news feeds Live SP squawk box Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners Experienced management and administrative support staff on site Access to T3live virtual trading floor Experienced traders available for mentorship Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If youre an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC Traders Wanted T3 Trading Group, LLC Chicago, IL T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Our branch office offers: State of the art execution and charting platforms Proprietary real-time news feeds Live SP squawk box Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners Experienced management and administrative support staff on site Access to T3live virtual trading floor Experienced traders available for mentorship Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If youre an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC Contact Information Don McClive EquityOption Trader T3 Trading Group, LLC Los Angeles, CA T3 Trading Group, LLC, a registered broker-dealer and member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is currently hiring traders for the Los Angeles office. T3 Trading Group LLC is looking for motivated and dedicated individuals with experience in equityoptions trading. We offer the opportunity to trade in a professional environment using advanced DMA platforms with competitive commission rates. Los Angeles branch office offers: - State of the art execution and charting platforms - Proprietary real-time news feeds - Live SP squawk box - Proprietary, customizable stock filters and screeners - Experienced management and administrative support staff on site - Access to T3live virtual trading floor - Experienced traders available for mentorship - Dedicated, capable data lines with system redundancies - Comprehensive risk management tools Seeking 2 years experience in trading. If you39re an experienced trader and want to operate from a home-office environment, we also offer remote trading through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. To learn more please send your resume to Don. McClivet3trading T3 Trading Group, LLC 10801 National Boulevard Suite 404 Los Angeles, CA 90064 Equity Traders Trader Groups Proprietary Trading Firms Trader Recruiting Los Angeles, CA Our client is a rapidly expanding, SEC-registered BrokerDealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange. They have onsite trading desks in NYC and Chicago with remote trading opportunities nationwide. Looking for experienced equity traders, trading groups, and other proprietary (prop) trading firms needing to partner with a BD. Qualifications: - Minimum 1 years of equity trading experience - Securities Licenses are NOT required - Minimum capital contribution is required Benefits: - Well capitalized firm capital to trade - Buying power up to 40:1 (based on experience and risk management) - Ultra-fast connectivity 30 routes ECN rebates - Unlimited trades no minimum trading volume - Institutional rates (per share or per trade) - Large list of shorts penny stocks - Pre post market trades - Overnights allowed Send CV: TraderRecruitinggmail Contact Information TraderRecruitinggmail Proprietary Day Trader ProTrade Securities, LLC New York, NY ProTrade Securities, LLC is an aggressively expanding equities trading firm with branch offices and locations throughout the United States, seeking professional and enthusiastic traders. We cater to the options of trading either in house or remotely from your home or personal office Here is why experienced equity traders become Pro-Traders: - Flexible, professional and competitive rates - Dedicated operations staff - Cutting-edge trading platforms - The ability to trade with firm capital - Connectivity to NYSE, NASDAQ, AMEX - Sophisticated routing capabilities - Access to multiple floor brokers - Entrepreneurial opportunities to become a branch manager With a proven trading record, ProTrade will give you the extremely competitive and rates that you deserve, as well as room for improvement upon profitability and volume. Our highly reputable, well-organized operations department is comprised of eager individuals, dedicated to supporting traders and providing a comfortable trading environment in order to appease profitability. ProTrade Securities, LLC is a CBSX registered broker dealer, that believes that success is not measured by the level of profits, but rather by the level of consistency. Learn more about trader opportunities by visiting: protradesecuritiestraderfaq. html E-mail your credentials to careersprotradesecurities and become a Pro-Trader today ProTrade Securities, LLC 1717 Route 6, Suite 100 New York, NY 10512 Director of Training-US Equities ProTrade Securities, LLC New York, NY ProTrade Securities, LLC is an aggressively expanding equities trading firm with branch offices and locations throughout the United States. We are seeking professional and enthusiastic individuals with a comprehensive understanding of the equities markets. This is an opportunity to work with a well-capitalized firm to organically develop an equities training program that imparts knowledge and strategies onto our team of traders. You can become a trainer either in-house or remotely from your home or personal office Here is why you should become a Pro-Trainer: - Opportunity to spearhead a training program in a location comfortable for you - Dedicated operations staff for your support - Partake in the expansion of an ever-growing professional trading firm - Room for entrepreneurial growth - Potential to realize in firm profitability With a proven trading record, ProTrade seeks experienced, personable, and charismatic individuals who are adamant about imparting their knowledge on traders of all different backgrounds. If you have sufficient industry experience, and you are seeking to educate others, this opportunity is for you. Experience as a market maker is a plus. This opportunity is not limited strictly to development. Those willing can also take on a role as a mentor and help our equities trading team reach their full potential. ProTrade Securities, LLC is a CBSX-registered broker dealer, who believes that success is measured not by the level of profits, but rather by the level of consistency. E-mail your credentials to careersprotradesecurities and become a leader with ProTrade today ProTrade Securities, LLC 1717 Route 6, Suite 100 New York, NY 10512 Experienced Equity Trader (Remote) Quasar Trading, LLC. Hartford, CT Quasar Trading, LLC, a registered broker dealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX), is seeking an Experienced Equity Trader to join our proprietary trading firm. -2 years Equity Trading experience - A quantitative trading focus, knowledge of existing prop trading strategies: - Strong analytical skills. - Risk Bids (Blind, GVWAP, GMOC, EFP39s) - ETF arbitrage strategies - Macro strategies - Event Driven strategies - Fundamental strategies - Statistical arbitrage strategies - Volatility strategies - Special situations - Proven track record is preferred. - Fundamental analysis - Extremely quantitative. - Clean U-4 - Minimum capital contribution is required. Trader will receive: - Series 56 Sponsorship - Competitive clearing rates. - Leveraged buying power (Subject to trading history and risk management). - Technical and administrative support. - Pre-trade and Post-trade analytical tools. - Newest technology, state-of-the-art softwarescreening tools. - Ultra-fast direct connectivity to exchanges, ECNs, ATSs, and dark pools. - Growth Opportunities available. - Remote trading available through dedicated SSL lines that deliver high-quality speed and execution. Compensation will be performance based, and a capital contribution is required. Quasar Trading, LLC is an SEC registered brokerdealer and a member of the CBOE Stock Exchange (CBSX). Contact Information Alan Lee 1-800-604-0355 ext. 106 Desk Managers and Mentors Wanted Shine39s Room New York, NY Have you trained traders Do you enjoy educating and discussing the techniques that have made you successful Looking for experienced traders of all investment classes: options, commodities, equities, Forex, and Futures. Interested in joining our team of mentors Please send resume to infoshinesroomJoin a well-established and expanding, global company Company shows appreciation to their employees, provides potential for growth, has impressive longevity among its employees and continues to expand its global presence. All of this along with cutting edge technology. Excellent Benefits Package As a key member of the systems team, this individual will provide value by proactively designing and maintaining datacenter systems, rapidly resolving incidents and providing world-class IT solutions to solve business problems. It is highly preferred that this person understand Forex or other highly leveraged trading assets to aide in effectively providing correct issue resolution in a timely manner. Responsibilities: - Consistently provide excellent service to internal customers. - Respond to incidents in a timely manner. - Willingness to support 24 hrday staff, if escalation is necessary. - Monitor, maintain and improve complex datacenter systems. - Minimal (1-5) travel required. Qualifications: -5 years experience in a managed IT environment. -2 years in a 24x7, high-availability datacenter environment. -2 years in a regulated (SOX, HIPAA, etc.) or financial environment preferred. - Exceptional troubleshooting skills. - Solid technical skills in all or most of the following: --Windows, Active Directory --Linux --General networking concepts (TCPIP, DNS, etc.) --Microsoft SQL Server --Scripting (Powershell, Perl, Python, VBScript, etc.) --VMware vSphere --VMware vCloud Director --Enterprise monitoring systems - Bachelor8217s degree in technical discipline (Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Physics, Math, etc.) - Equivalent combination of education and experience may be substituted for education requirement. - Additional certifications preferred (ITIL, MS, Cisco, Linux, Six Sigma, etc.). - Forex, Futures, Options or other high performance trading environment experience. Jobs, Salt Lake City, Utah, Systems Engineer, Windows, Active Directory, VMware, Linux, networking, scripting, trading systems, financial, forex Atlanta, Austin, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dallas, Denver, Detroit, Fort Lauderdale, Houston, Indianapolis, Jacksonville, Kansas City, Los Angeles Miami, Minneapolis, Nashville, New Jersey, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Raleigh, Salt Lake City, San Antonio, San Diego, San Francisco, San Jose, Seattle, Silicon Valley, St Louis, Tampa, DC We are working on tech jobs in IL (Chicago area Computer Jobs), PA, NY, NJ, CT, MA, VA, GA, NC, TN, CA, TX, AZ, OH, MI, IN, MO, CO, FL, WA, MN and CN. We are specialists in technology career employment. We are an equal opportunity Technology Employment Service This website is maintained by Next Step Systems Jobs in Chicago - Jobs in New York - Jobs in New Jersey - Jobs in Philadelphia - Jobs in Connecticut - Jobs in Denver - Jobs in Dallas - Jobs in Houston - Jobs in Phoenix - Jobs in Silicon Valley - Plus Many More Areas C - C - - Java - Oracle - SQL Server - Unix - Linux - Networking - Storage - Systems - Support - Sales - Plus More Programmer - Software - Developer - Network Engineer - Database Analyst - Systems Administrator - Systems Engineer - Managed Hosting - Manager - Director - VP - CIO - CTO - Plus More Executive Search Firm with Specialized Technical Recruiters or IT Recruiters servicing clients of all sizes nationally since 1995. IT Recruitment Firms, IT Recruitment Agencies, Headhunters and Executive Recruiting Firms. Experience with Computer Jobs Information Technology Jobs or IT Jobs Tech Jobs Systems Programming. IT Jobs in Chicago Philadelphia New York City - Manhattan Denver Dallas Houston Phoenix Silicon Valley Plus Many More Areas


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